# TA's NAME:
## Example Program in section 9.7 (p 243) of "A Programmer's
## View of Computer Architecture" of Goodman and Miller
## This program does simple vector addition
# data items, i.e. all initialized and
# non-initialized items go in here
prompt1: .asciiz "Vector addition program\n"
prompt2: .asciiz "Please enter a vector\n"
linefeed: .byte '\n'
err_msg: .asciiz "Error encountered - quitting\n"
.globl main
# your main subroutine code goes in here
la $8, prompt1
puts ($8)
la $8, prompt2
puts ($8)
jal get_vector
beq $2, $0, error1
# copy parameters out of registers
move $16, $4 # $16 is x1
move $17, $5 # $17 is y1
move $18, $6 # $18 is z1
la $8, prompt2
puts ($8)
jal get_vector
beq $2, $0, error1
# copy parameters out of registers
move $19, $4
move $20, $5
move $21, $6
# push parameters on stack for addition procedure
add $sp, $sp, -24
sw $16, 24($sp)
sw $17, 20($sp)
sw $18, 16($sp)
sw $19, 12($sp)
sw $20, 8($sp)
sw $21, 4($sp)
jal vector_add
add $sp, $sp, 24 # pop parameters and discard
# the results x3, y3, z3 are already in $4, $5, and $6
# so don't move them
jal print_result
# the last line of main
# end of main
# any subroutines may be inserted here:...
error1: la $8, err_msg
puts ($8)
# get_vector -- a procedure to get an x, y, and z for
# a vector
# return values: $2 -- error flag, 0 if there is an error
# $4 -- the x value
# $5 -- the y value
# $6 -- the z value
getx: .asciiz "Enter x: "
gety: .asciiz "Enter y: "
getz: .asciiz "Enter z: "
sw $31, 0($sp) # pushgm (Release 2.03) is a macro of original
add $sp, $sp, -4 # code in textbook
la $8, getx # get x
puts ($8)
jal get_integer
beq $2, $0, return1
move $22, $3
la $8, gety # get y
puts ($8)
jal get_integer
beq $2, $0, return1
move $23, $3
la $8, getz # get z
puts ($8)
jal get_integer
beq $2, $0, return1
move $24, $3
move $4, $22
move $5, $23
move $6, $24
add $sp, $sp, 4
lw $31, 0($sp)
jr $31
# get_integer -- a procedure to form an integer from
# a single line of user input
# return values:
# $2 -- error flag, 0 if there is an error
# $3 -- the integer value
bias = 48
sw $31, 0($sp) # save return address
add $sp, $sp, -4
li $15, 1 # initialize variables
li $3, 0
lbu $11, linefeed
# $11 -- the <CR> character
li $9, bias # $9 -- '0' ASCII character
# code
# NOTE: Not the same as original
# using 'lw'
li $13, '0'
li $14, '9'
getc $8 # $8 -- the user input character
beq$8, $11, return2
# integer is complete
# when <CR> read
blt $8, $13, bad_input
bgt $8, $14, bad_input
sub $10, $8, $9
mul $3, $3, 10
add $3, $3, $10
getc $8
b get_digit
li $15, 0
move $2, $15
add $sp, $sp, 4 # restore return address
lw $31, 0($sp)
jr $31
# vector_add -- a procedure to add 2 vectors together
# return values:
# $2 -- error flag, 0 if there is an error
# $4 -- the x component
# $5 -- the y component
# $6 -- the z component
# parameters: on stack, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2
sw $31, 0($sp) # save return address
add $sp, $sp, -4
lw $8, 28($sp) # pop x components and add
lw $9, 16($sp)
add $4, $8, $9
lw $8, 24($sp) # pop y components and add
lw $9, 12($sp)
add $5, $8, $9
lw $8, 20($sp) # pop x components and add
lw $9, 8($sp)
add $6, $8, $9
add $sp, $sp, 4 # restore return address
lw $31, 0($sp)
jr $31
# print_result -- a procedure to print out the 3 values
# computed
# return values: none
# parameters:
# $4 -- the x component to be printed
# $5 -- the y component to be printed
# $6 -- the z component to be printed
msg: .asciiz "The result of the vector addition: \n"
x_msg: .asciiz "x = "
y_msg: .asciiz "y = "
z_msg: .asciiz "z = "
sw $31, 0($sp) # save return address
add $sp, $sp, -4
add $sp, $sp, -12 # save parameters, since
sw $4, 12($sp) # other procedures like
sw $5, 8($sp) # 'puts' also use $4 - $7
sw $6, 4($sp)
la $8, msg
puts ($8)
la $8, x_msg
puts ($8)
lw $4, 12($sp) # x is on the stack
jal print_int
la $9, linefeed
lbu $9, 0($9)
putc $9
la $8, y_msg
puts ($8)
lw $4, 8($sp) # y is on the stack
jal print_int
la $9, linefeed
lbu $9, 0($9)
putc $9
la $8, z_msg
puts ($8)
lw $4, 4($sp) # z is on the stack
jal print_int
la $9, linefeed
lbu $9, 0($9)
putc $9
lw $4, 12($sp) # restore parameters
lw $5, 8($sp)
lw $6, 4($sp)
add $sp, $sp, 12
add $sp, $sp, 4 # restore return address
lw $31, 0($sp)
jr $31
# print_int -- a procedure to print out an integer
# return values: none
# parameters: $4 -- the integer to be printed
sw $31, 0($sp) # save return address
add $sp, $sp, -4
li $10, 0 # $10 -- count of
# number of digits
move $12, $4
sw $4, 0($sp)
add $sp, $sp, -4
# repeat loop to peel off digits from the least
# significant end of the value
rem $9, $12, 10
div $12, $12, 19
add $9, $9, 48 # add back in the bias
sw $9, 0($sp) # push ASCII char. on stack
add $sp, $sp, -4
add $10, $10, 1
bne $12, $0, repeat
# repeat loop to print out the characters stored on stack
add $sp, $sp, 4
lw $11, 0($sp)
putc $11
sub $10, $10, 1
bne $10, $0, print_em
add $sp, $sp, 4
lw $4, 0($sp)
add $sp, $sp, 4
lw $31, 0($sp)
jr $31
# END OF PROGRAM (leave this line here)
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